11/18/2024Employee engagement solutions4 min read

How elasto revolutionized internal communication

On 5 August 2021, elasto published its last message on the intranet - today, the specialist for advertising materials reaches 100% of its employees via an employee app and has reduced its flood of emails by 50% simultaneously. Communications Manager Ellen Scheibl shared her recipe for success in a recent webinar. Here are the main takeaways.

70% of elasto's staff don't have an email address and could only be reached by the notice board for a long time. The administration, on the other hand, was struggling with email overload. Head of Communications Ellen Scheibl got a handle on both - with the right employee app, a clear process for the introduction, compelling content, and an element of social media management, Ellen transformed elasto's internal communication.

Initial situation: communication desert vs. information overload

Before switching to Flip, elasto's frontline workers received relevant information only in dribs and drabs, while their colleagues in the office sometimes lost important updates in a flood of emails. The three biggest challenges at elasto were:

1. Communication as a one-way street

All that can be achieved with internal communication by a notice board is that some employees receive information. Feedback? Not at all. "Moreover, no one checks the notice board during the night shift," Ellen Scheibl reports. During the day, information is only communicated when employees read themselves from the notice board.

2. High effort for the IC team

"Some of our employees in production come from Eastern European countries. But it's not just the language barrier that is hard to master," says Ellen Scheibl. Communicating the short-term and constantly changing instructions during the covid-19 pandemic by notice board? "With a three-shift operation in production and several locations, this is an impossible effort."

3. Email overload in administration

"80% of my emails came from internal sources," estimates Ellen Scheibl. Like her colleagues in administration, she struggled with a flood of emails. And with information that is not always relevant to all recipients.

The game changer: the right employee app

"It can only go via an app!" For Ellen Scheibl, it was clear which tool should solve the challenges. An employee app promises real-time communication and fits perfectly into elasto's digitalisation strategy. What did Ellen Scheibl look for when choosing a provider? The communication specialist answers not with a feature list, but with three more important factors that tipped the scales in favour of Flip.

  1. Value for Money: "We thought carefully about what we really needed. And above all, what added value for our staff."

  2. Gut feeling: "It was just right from the start." Ellen Scheibl already had a good impression of Flip during the first video call. And this was confirmed in later personal interactions.

  3. Support: This was important, above all, for the successful rollout. "In the end, it was easier than I imagined - also because Flip had already prepared a lot of promotional materials."

Success factor one: the rollout

"On 5/8/2021 we announced the rollout of the staff app on the intranet. It was the last intranet post."

Ellen Scheibl

A proper introduction of an employee app determines how well the new communication solution is received - and whether employees install the employee app on their personal smartphones. "We engaged all employees and explained exactly why we were introducing a new tool. elasto took the following steps to turn 100% of employees into users of the app:

1. Prepare rollout material

Flyers, announcements, and posters formed the basis for the rollout campaign. Flip provided tried and tested templates.

2. Train the IC team

"Flip provided guidelines for our editorial team as a template." An essential factor, after all, communication via employee app is similar to social media management.

3. Use all existing channels

To push the employee app, all the "old" channels were used, such as the notice board and intranet.

4. Prioritize the employee app

On 5.8.2021, Ellen Scheibl announced the switch to the employee app on the intranet - it was the last intranet posting at elasto. Bulletin boards and announcements on the notice board would also no longer be used.

"Flip has become much more than communication for us."

Ellen Scheibl

Success factor two: the content

elasto uses the employee app not only as a communication tool, but as a central platform for collabouration. Ellen Scheibl provides four examples of content and integrations that have contributed to its success.

  • Product data, occupational safety, onboarding guide 
    Product data sheets, certificates, all information about occupational safety, the onboarding guide - everything is centrally located on one platform. Gone are the days when employees received a printout of a 40-page guide by post.

  • Short videos instead of long presentations 
    "We are increasingly using short, personal videos. Colleagues are both the speaker and the sender. And even more importantly: they can be reached directly via comments and direct messages.

  • Integrated time tracking
    Following the introduction of the employee app, elasto has digitised time tracking. In the meantime, the function has been integrated into the app.

  • Corporate benefits 
    "Our employees get discounts and other goodies at some companies. We have integrated the corporate benefits programme into the app," says Ellen Scheibl. Those who want to save money regularly check the app for this reason alone.

"I enjoy the internal communication via the app a thousand times more than before."

Ellen Scheibl

Result: added value and more fun

The results after just over half a year of internal communication via the employee app at elasto:

  • 100% registration rate achieved 
    The better the introduction, the more users. The more users, the more added value. elasto has optimally combined both.

  • Feedback culture created 
    Employees are finally able to participate in communication themselves.

  • Language barrier dissolved 
    The app translates into a user's native language with one click.

  • Overcoming email overload 
    "My internal emails have been reduced by about half," says Ellen Scheibl.

  • Allowing private exchanges 
    Team building first: private and "semi-private" topics are also welcome in the app, for example in an after-work group.

  • Targeted information flow established 
    "Everyone is not a good target group." What applies in marketing also applies to internal communication. With elasto, information flows via individual groups precisely to those for whom it is relevant.

Engage your employees like elasto

Find out together with our communication experts how an employee app can improve the engagement and retention of your workforce.

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